Sulotco History

Image 01 sejarah sulotco

Sulotco is one of Kapal Api Group’s subsidiary company, along with 5 other companies that is also under their belt. If Kapal Api focuses on coffee, it’s also the same with Sulotco. This company focuses on coffee cultivation and trading.

At first, in 1928, this coffee plantation belonged to H.J. Stock van Dykk, who is a Dutchman. There was a time where it was abandoned, as no one could care for the plantation. But when the war ended, it was taken over by the government, and later managed by PT Sulotco Jaya Abadi.

Established in 1987 and at the foot of Rante Karua Mountain, the plantation is located at an altitude of 1500-1700 meters above sea level. From the beginning until now, Sulotco is still led by Mr. Samuel Karundeng, as the company’s director.

From a total of 1200 hectares of land, 600 hectares are used as a form of concern for the nature, 200 hectares for the national conversation area. Sulotco also applies organic system in maintaining their coffee plants. This is one of Sulotco’s commitment on maintaining balance and preserving nature.

Sulotco also provides employment opportunities for local communities, by providing seeds from the USA R&D. In distributing its harvest result, Sulotco establishes a sharing system, with 75% of the harvest going to the farmers and 25% to the company. Harvests owned by farmers will then be purchased by Sulotco, of course at a good price. Farmers will also get a training on how to take care of the plants, to make sure that they are well maintained and the plants could grow nicely.

As a company, of course Sulotco also have their own vision and mission, where their vision is “Developing and Increasing the Production of The Toraja Specialty Arabica Coffee on the World Market Through Exports.” For their missions, they have two important points:

1. Producing local and national superior varieties of Arabica coffee, such as: Kalosi, Lini S, Katurra, CIKC, USDA, and Kattura-Timor.

2. Empowering employees as company partners.

There are several types of coffee beans procession that Sulotco provides, such as washed dry hull, washed wet hull, natural, honey, and luwak. After being processed and sorted, those coffee beans will be processed again according to requests, whether they will be made into ground coffee, roasted beans, or green beans.

Sulotco coffee products are already well known abroad. Because basically, Sulotco products are mostly intended for export needs. Some countries that Sulotco exports to include Australia, Canada, China, Germany, Japan, Turkmenistan, and the USA. Sulotco also likes to attend coffee expo events, whether domestically or internationally, in order to fulfill coffee lovers’ needs from various other countries.

If you want to try high quality coffees from Sulotco, you can get them from our official store, available on Tokopedia.

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